Thursday 3 January 2019

Where God Wants Me

2019 is going to be the best year yet.

The theme for World Youth Day 2019 is: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done unto me according to Your word." (Luke 1:38)

I am taking a different approach to this year than to the previous years. I'm leaning into the silence instead of filling it with distractions. I'm looking at what I have and building on it. And before I make decisions, I will pray about it and discern it first.

I'll take more breaks from being on the internet. I'll be more creative. I'll grow.

And I'll let go of what's not meant for me.

I spent 2018 with my emotions in flux. Often, I felt bad about myself. I let myself get stressed out over things I couldn't change. I was impatient. I was afraid to be honest about myself. And though I kept telling myself I would change, I was complacent with mediocrity. 

Now, I'm not afraid to be who God wants me to be and to go where He wants me to go.

Cheers to 2019 and to new beginnings!