Friday, 26 May 2017

Adventures to come

Next month, I will be turning 25 years old and exactly a week after my birthday I will be traveling across Canada. I love being 24, but being so close to 25 I have been mentally preparing myself for the age. And I get to start off my new year with a solo trip. This trip isn't a volunteer trip or a work-related trip like every other trip I've been on in the last two years, it's a real quarter-life solo trip.

I'll be honest with you. These past three years, despite my best intentions, have been a slew of part-time, contract, temporary and freelance work. I am grateful for what I have and what I've done but I don't think that I could have predicted the trajectory of my career.

The good news? I've paid off all of my student loan debt. I've had many interesting jobs and experiences. I've had the opportunity to travel. I've had a lot of free time.

I have honestly been so blessed throughout my life. I have amazing, beautiful, successful friends. I have friends who have graduated with master's degrees, friends who are working full-time in their fields, friends who have married the loves of their lives and friends who are just doing great things. I am so, so proud of them. Maybe I am not in the exact same position as them, but I do believe my life is just as meaningful as theirs and I am grateful for the freedom and flexibility I have.

I have supportive family members. I have had opportunities to attend fun events, meet new people and learn new things. I am healthy. I also still have my strong convictions and my closeness to God, my faith and the saints.

What's next?
Whether published on this blog or on another website, I promise that I will write about my travel experiences. I will be traveling and staying in Edmonton, Vancouver, Halifax and Montreal with the VIA Rail Youth 150 pass and in each city I will be visiting a church, eating out at a special restaurant and exploring. In particular, I am looking forward to documenting my first fish foot spa experience in Montreal and my first time trying alcoholic bubble tea in Vancouver.

I'm also excited to update my publications list with new stories and pieces once they are published. Stay tuned!

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