Thursday, 7 March 2019

New Published Writing! Yay 2019!

After many years...I am happy to announce that I finally have NEW (credited) published writing! It has taken a while, but I am pleased to have new work out. The content is for those in high school which is not a new audience for me since my very first published piece was for Young Voices magazine which was later published in an eBook for Grade 9 students. So, I'm used to writing for a young audience.

Coincidentally, yesterday was Ash Wednesday so this the start of Lent, a time of fasting in preparation for Easter. In other words, it's the beginning of a new season for me!

I'm definitely taking my writing more seriously this year and hopefully can have some longer works in the making. For Lent, I'm trying to remove my distractions and start accomplishing what I've always hoped to accomplish (my long-term goals). I'm also working on my time management. Please pray for me that God continues to guide me to be my very best self! I'll pray for you too. Happy fasting!